Unnecessarily Gendered Products That We Cannot Believe Exist Today
The practice of using gender stereotypes to promote items is not new – it probably dates all the way back to the creation of advertising. However, what appeared to be normal in the 1950s now appears to be quite ludicrous. Certain advertisers go far, promoting action figures for boys and Barbie dolls for girls. As we shall see, some may really try to rebrand items such as playing guitar as being especially for boys or girls, men or women. Hopefully, it will also encourage you to consider the impact that these outdated customs have on our children’s imaginations and development.

Boy Genius Vs. The Selfie Queen
This one is simply excessive, and the fact that it is intended for babies who cannot read shows that these types of products are typically intended to satisfy the parent rather than the child. Growing up, I swear my sister was ten times smarter than me. I’m wondering if my parents switched our bibs by accident, giving her the brilliant one and leaving me, the older brother, to grow up as the selfie queen.
“How to Tell Time Like a Man”
Oh, sure. It must be exasperating for a man to be able to tell time like a woman. It is, in fact, a great pity. When you want to check the time, you must act all strong and macho (frown your face, clench your fist, and tighten your bicep).

“How To Tell Time Like A Man”
Taking a good look at your wristwatch to check the time should be effortless, and there should be no difference in the way men and women check their watches for the current time.
The Bath-Bomb Bomb
Men have a tendency to take things too literally. What do you get when you combine the fact that some men’s masculinity is so fragile that they’re probably afraid to use a “regular” bath bomb, and what do you get? A bath bomb that looks like a grenade.

The Bath Bomb Bomb
As if the shape of a grenade wasn’t enough, the advertiser decided to call this bath bomb a “Man Grenade Bath Blaster,” even using the slogan “Enjoy the bath of heroes.” After a long day at work, all I wanted to do was unwind in my bath… All of this talk about being a hero is making me anxious!
Men’s Toothbrush
Because we have different sets of teeth (ladies teeth are made of cobalt, while men’s teeth are made of nickel), it will be a total disaster if a man uses a toothbrush designed for women. As a result, brushing a nickel-based tooth with a cobalt-plated toothbrush can be extremely dangerous.
Isn’t that funny? But, honestly, As far as we know, male and female teeth are made of the same materials. There’s no reason to sell a toothbrush that’s designed for each gender.
“Fun Gifts for Boys”
This isn’t a single product, but rather an entire aisle of them. Tesco has decided to label this section as “Fun gifts for boys” for some reason, citing the Superhero alarm clock as an example. As can be seen, not everyone is content.

“Fun Gifts For Boys”
This little girl, like many other girls, is a huge fan of superheroes. Her expression says it all: there’s no reason for this kind of separation. I’m curious as to what items appear in the “Gifts for Girls” aisle and how many children are missing out if parents choose to follow these signs.
Man-Size Tissue Box
Real men’s tears, if they cry at all, are simply too heavy and powerful for ordinary tissues to hold. On first contact, manly tears will tear the tissues. We’re all aware that a lot of gendered advertising, especially for children, is pointless and potentially harmful, similar to instilling gender stereotypes and limiting imagination.

Man Size Tissue Box
Nevertheless, it is quite extreme when we talk about ridiculous ideas and products like “man-size” Kleenex. When we see this type of advertising, it should only make us laugh, not tempt us to buy the product.
The Girl’s Guitar Method
At last! After years of playing guitar the traditional way, there’s a new style in town. “Everything a girl needs to know about playing guitar” doesn’t it say it all? Is there a reason for children to grow up believing that girls and boys have different ways of doing things?

The Girl’s Guitar Method
Women have been rocking the guitar (remember Joni Mitchell?) just like men for decades, even before the invention of the “girl’s guitar method” (imagine that). If a girl wants to learn to play the guitar, she can use any book – or method – she wants.
Eat Like a Man
So you can’t feed a crowd if you eat like a woman? Or, God forbid, if a woman eats too much, the world will come to a halt? It’s amusing how men are portrayed as the true food voracious eaters. A woman can consume the same amount of food as a man.

Eat Like A Man
It’s absurd how some people make food consumption or voracity gender-based. Of course, you don’t have to “eat like a man” in order to feed a crowd or teach others how to eat or prepare food.
Pink Lady Hammer
Really? A lady can only use a pink hammer, according to legend. “When you use a hammer, will the things you break also crumble into beautiful flowers and sparkles?” she insinuated, sending photos of a “women” tool-set.

Pink Lady Hammer
A lady was also given a pink tool set by her sister, and all of the tools were frail and useless. The former told the latter that the tools would have been fantastic if they had been designed as a robust, gender-based product that was actually useful.
The Bible – Boy’s Edition
This one, however, went a little too far. “Finally,” says the ad, “a bible – just for boys.” Is there any way to make it funnier? For thousands of years, people have been reading the Bible. Were the boys always reading the wrong version? Is it possible for a woman to become a sinner after reading this Bible? This is extremely bewildering.

The Bible Boy’s Edition
Yes, of course. A version of the bible with “Gross and gory bible stuff” is the best way to approach boys with a bible. Boys, of course, have a thing for blood. This is such an odd application of the Bible… What else would people come up with to make money?
Gorgeous or Clever?
There’s a book for boys that teaches them “How to be Clever,” and another for girls that teaches them “How to be Gorgeous.” At the very least, both books claim to use “smart ways,” which leads me to wonder if there is a different “smart way” for boys and girls.

Gorgeous Or Clever?
This one looks like it came straight out of a 1950s bookstore, but it’s actually from a few years ago and is intended for children. As we all know from personal experience, both men and women should strive to be both intelligent and beautiful while also educating children. It’s absurd that they should pick a side based on their gender.
The Man Bowl
What on earth is happening here? This has to be one of the most bizarre and absurd products available anywhere on the planet. The “Man Bowl” is nothing more than a dog bowl… designed with men in mind

The Man Bowl
If you needed any more proof of how manly you are while eating like a dog, the advertiser even used a font called “Rambo.” Don’t you think it’s a little ridiculous?
Some may find it amusing, but the majority, hopefully, will find it absurd. This “cordless screwdriver” was “designed by a woman for a woman,” according to the label.

What exactly does that imply? Is it really necessary for women to have lightweight, pretty, and delicate tools in order to fix something? Is it just a twisted way of selling something else?
The Manly Art of Knitting
Thus, if a man wishes to knit, he must do so… but on a horseback? Is knitting only manly when it is done on horseback? Knitting was once widely believed to be a feminine pursuit. Perhaps that was the intention of whoever created this product – if men want to knit, let them do so in a “manly” manner.

The Manly Art Of Knitting
Knitting, as far as we know, necessitates only fingers and a little practice. Some people regard it as a recreational activity, and there are no laws prohibiting men from participating in it.
The Bronut
Snacking is such a girly activity, don’t you think? It’s such a shame that men are allowed to consume these “delicate” snacks that are only appropriate for the “delicate” gender – women.

The Bronut
That is why someone invented a special snack called Bronut, which is designed specifically for these tough snackers, men. We’ve never tried Bronut, but it’s probably made of the things that men like to eat the most: rocks, metal, and dirt. These types of stereotyped products are not only amusing but also ludicrous.
Girly-Girl or North-American?
Is there a difference between “North American Binoculars” and regular binoculars? Is it true that men cannot use the “Girly Girl Binocular”? Do they have different internal and external properties, tailored to the male and female eye’s different traits?

Girly Girl Or North American?
Isn’t this the funniest thing you’ve ever seen? Even small children understand that all genders can effectively use the same binocular, but companies are unconcerned. They only care about making more money by taking advantage of our ignorance.
Men’s Bread
“Men Bread,” as it’s known. For men, it’s bread. We wonder if this bread is only for men to eat. Or, if a woman eats it, isn’t she going to enjoy it? Is it going to be hard on her delicate teeth?

Men’s Bread
It’s no secret that both men and women can enjoy the same foods. This level of stereotyping a product proves the lengths to which manufacturers will go to promote their products.
Coat hangers for Boys
There can’t be a more useless product than the “Boy coat hanger,” as the person who posted this one claims. This one adheres to the age-old rule of “blue for boys, pink for girls,” and our first thought is that we used black coat hangers as children. Was there any impact on our childhood as a result of that?

Coat Hangers For Boys
It’s completely absurd. We’re curious if children even notice these things unless they’re raised to believe them. It’s critical to remember that most of these concepts are cultural rather than biological, and we believe that allowing our children to develop their own taste and style is the best option.
Girls Batteries
The batteries used by these young ladies can only be used in pink products, according to findings. Other items could melt or explode. We even heard that if they come into contact with the skin of a man, they will drain instantly.

Girls Batteries
A balloon has been included in the package to make this product even more ridiculous. Because, despite the fact that balloons do not require batteries, girls enjoy them? We’re curious if these batteries are more expensive than regular batteries that serve the same purposes.
A Birthday Card… For Men
What distinguishes a man’s birthday from that of a woman? A birthday is a birthday. To each his own, we get it. Everyone loves celebrating their birthday in a unique way. Some are “manly,” while others are “womanly.” What is a “man-birthday,” after all?

A Birthday Card… For Men
Is it really necessary to gender-segregated birthday cards? We understand. It’s sometimes necessary, such as with a newborn. But, come on, this card is either bad taste or a lazy copywriter trying to meet his quota.
The Mancan Wine
The manufacturers even went so far as to include the inventor’s life description, which is, as you can see, extremely manly, to show how manly the “Mancan Wine” is.

The Mancan Wine
We recommend that you stop drinking wine from a bottle if you are a man. Leave the other tens of thousands of options aside and only drink Mancan wine from now on if you want to maintain your masculinity.
A Gentleman’s Nail Cutters
Men’s nails are as hard as rock. Ladies’ toenails are as soft as a feather, as we all know. This is most likely why this manufacturer decided to create a nail cutter specifically for men. They must have spent years researching and designing new steel that is capable of getting the job done.

A Gentleman’s Nail Cutters
Or perhaps, these nail cutters aren’t all that different from regular nail cutters, which are suitable for both men and women. Isn’t that an awesome idea? Simply label any product “made for men/women,” paint it the appropriate color, and you’ve got yourself a new product to add to your line.
Pen For Her
This is completely pointless. Why is it necessary for PENS to be gendered? Some people prefer ballpoint pens, while others prefer smooth or gel-like pens. To be honest, I liked working with pencils, so what does that make me?

Pen For Her
When you’re in desperate need of a pen, anything will suffice. Who uses pens anymore, anyway? Everyone has a cellphone these days, and wait until we talk about how people use gender to sell them.
Another product that is shockingly gendered is this one. This is one we’ve all heard. The age-old rule of blue for boys and pink for girls applies once again. Only that these gloves are for adults; we imagine that by then, people would have discovered their own personal favorite color, rather than sticking with the one they were given as a child.

Even so, if these gloves had a different function for men and women, we would return them. The fact is, however, that these are the same gloves. Whether it’s black, white, red, or yellow, a glove is a glove. Have you noticed what we did there?
As far as we know, play beads are supposed to encourage children to imagine and create. Is it really necessary to sell what appears to be the same set of beads in different colors and market it to boys and girls separately?

We understand. Kids need role models, so showing them some of the crazy things you can do with beads is always a good idea. But why won’t we let the child choose whether he wants to make a monster, a flower, or any of the other things that can be made with beads?
Sleep Pretty In Pink
This one has a lot of questions for us. Earplugs are earplugs that are inserted into your ears while you sleep. Nobody can see them because they’re literally inside our bodies, and it’s dark! Why would anyone want to “sleep pretty in pink” with pink earplugs?

Sleep Pretty In Pink
I’d like to try sleeping in pink as a man. Will I be able to use these earplugs? As we’ve already mentioned, it’s probably the oldest advertising trick in the book: change the color, add “for women,” and presto: you’ve got yourself a whole new product to sell.
Best Food For Men
To begin with, I had no idea there was a competition for the best male food. I’m curious if there are any other products for men mentioned in this article, and if so, where they won. Men, as we all know, should never accept anything less than win. Foods that are winning… Isn’t it true that you eat it until you make it?

Best Food For Men
To add to the hilarity, the actual food is apples, as you can see. Perhaps the manufacturer should consult the men’s Bible to see where it stands on the subject of apples and men. I’m curious if there is a winning apple for women, or if they’re the same apple packaged differently.
Little Cupcake, or a Train Driver?
Dress for the job you want, not the one you have, as the saying goes. Why not get started as soon as possible? As early as baby harnesses, perhaps? This product is intended for babies. They are unable to read, let alone have any concept of gender – or even taste.

Little Cupcake, Or A Train Driver?
Parents can choose between a blue “train driver” harness for boys and a pink “Little Cupcake” harness for girls in these baby harnesses. I’m curious as to what parents think if they have to choose between the two options.
The Menly Art of Soduko
Yes, of course. Soduko’s ancient, secret manly art. Men have been solving these puzzles in secret for years, passing down their knowledge from father to son. I recall when these strange things first appeared in our lives, which was about ten years ago. Like any other crossword puzzle in the newspaper, they were intended for everyone. There was no men’s or women’s crossword.

The Menly Art Of Soduko
At first glance, this appears to be a sweet and thoughtful Christmas present. The manufacturer then added the phrase “Stocking Stuffer! For Women” for some strange reason. Isn’t it true that women can’t enjoy the Soduko without feeling compelled to decorate? We’ll have to wait and see.
The Girly Ouija Board
When I was a kid, I remember having one of these. I honestly don’t recall who we summoned or which question we posed, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t about hunting and survival skills or gossip and fashion.

The Girly Ouija Board
This is just another clumsy, pointless attempt to sell something by a marketer. Taking a regular product that we’ve all known for years and giving it a “spin” that makes it look like a tampon package (you have to admit it!) doesn’t make it a new product, and it certainly doesn’t give it any unique “manly or womanly” “traits.”
Basketball, “Recommended for Males”
Basketball, of course, is a sport that was created specifically for boys. Ladies who want to buy a basketball are either insane or ill-advised. It’s common knowledge that if they played basketball, their bones would break from running and jumping. Women’s bones are incredibly fragile.

Basketball, “Recommended For Males”
That’s ludicrous. All sports are open to both men and women. Of course, the joy that all genders derive from playing basketball and other sports that they enjoy are equal.
It’s Just a Gum
Throughout this article, we’ve seen it several times. Advertisers use gender to sell more products. But what if you have two brands, one for men and one for women, and the only difference is the taste? What if a man favors the “women’s taste”? I’m curious if this will cause us to pass on the product.

It’s Just A Gum
We have a pack of plain chewing gum in this case. Women were given berries as a flavor, while men were given cinnamon and mint. Isn’t it actually cheaper to not print “For him/For her” and allow anyone to choose freely, based on their preferences rather than their gender?