40+ Former Hooters Employees Talk About Their Work Experiences
On April 1st, 1983, the first Hooters restaurant opened. The founders didn’t think their restaurant would succeed, and they even built a small graveyard outside the front door to commemorate all of the previous failed businesses. But, alas, Hooters was a success, and there are now over 400 locations around the world. But what’s it like to be a Hooters girl in real life? See for yourself by reading this collection of stories from former Hooters employees.

From The Jump Start
Let’s get this party started with a Hooters jump start. Hooters employees are said to get together before a shift and run through a couple of checks. To begin, the manager ensures that all employees are properly dressed and that their hair is both down and styled. Isn’t this a little strange for a place that serves food? In addition, managers inspect the nails of each Hooters girl to ensure that they are properly painted. According to this former staff member, the jumpstart isn’t nearly as bizarre as it appears to be.
Not Raking it In
Waitstaff, unfortunately, does not make a lot of money, particularly in the United States, where they rely on tips to supplement their pay. According to a former Hooters employee, Hooters girls were paid a pittance of two dollars an hour. That isn’t even enough to get to work on the bus.

Not Raking It In
This former employee, on the other hand, points out that staff members earn more money when they do promotional work. Driving around in a golf cart or posing for photos with the general public are examples of this.
Say That You’re Smart
Restaurants like Hooters rely on the hiring of a specific type of Hooters girl. The ideal waitress for the chain is relatively clean-cut, with no tattoos or piercings, but also a “good-time girl.” In fact, “Ability to Maintain Attractive Fit & Image” is listed in the qualifications section of the Hooters girl job posting.

Say That You’re Smart
The company, on the other hand, is clearly concerned with their employees’ appearances being more than just attractive. So they told the former employee to bring up the subject of college.
Hula Hoop for Hooters
It’s unsurprising that Hooters can be quite problematic in terms of hiring practices. After all, if one of your job requirements is the ability to maintain attractiveness, there will be a lot of people scrutinizing your appearance.

Hula Hoop For Hooters
When this former Hooters employee applied for a job at the restaurant, they didn’t have a typical interview. She was asked to hula hoop before being hired with no questions asked. Is it just us, or does that make you feel a little icky?
You Gotta Get Good Grades
Many companies nowadays employ secret shoppers to ensure that their operations are running smoothly. In the case of Hooters, this entails sending in a mystery shopper to ensure that employees are seating and assisting customers in a timely manner.

You Gotta Get Good Grades
When it comes to secret shoppers, Hooters appears to be very serious. According to the following story, several good waitresses were fired after failing to impress the mystery shopper.
Alpha Sigma Hooters
Despite the high demands placed on its waitstaff, many former employees appear to have enjoyed their time there. Sure, there are creeps and oddballs everywhere, but it can also be a fun place to work with like-minded women.

Alpha Sigma Hooters
This former Hooters employee had worked for the company for six years and felt like she was a member of a sorority. After all, being Hooters girls is unquestionably a shared experience.
Shrimp Tail Tips
Working at Hooters, of course, comes with its share of creepy customers. It’s just part of the job, and it’s nearly impossible to avoid when your entire waitstaff is dressed in tiny uniforms. As this next story demonstrates, creeps bring money.

Shrimp Tail Tips
For peeling an elderly man’s peel and eating shrimp for him, this former Hooters employee used to get paid $100. Sure, it doesn’t sound creepy, but we wouldn’t peel another person’s shrimp for less.
Hooters Paid for My College
Hooters has an impressive college reimbursement program that rewards employees who pursue higher education. Once you’ve been with the company for six months, you’ll be eligible for this program.

Hooters Paid For My College
According to what we’ve learned, Hooters employees submit their grades to corporate at the end of each semester, taking into account course hours, work hours, and GPA. Following that, you can receive up to $1,000. This is one case where we believe other businesses should take Hooters’ lead!
Wanna See My Album?
Those who have worked in the service industry know that you meet a lot of unusual people. Let’s face it: the world is full of strange people, so it’s no surprise that a restaurant with women wearing tiny shorts attracts a large number of them.

Wanna See My Album?
The Hooters regular mentioned in this post is obviously a huge fan of the restaurant chain. This customer had an entire photo album filled with photos of himself with Hooters girls from all over the country.
Get the Greeting Down
Hooters, like most chain restaurants, has a set of guidelines for how its floor staff should greet customers. To begin, the Hooters girl must make an introduction and write their name on a napkin.

Get The Greeting Down
Customers are then served Hooterade and enticed with one of the restaurant’s appetizers. Bacon Wrapped Wings, Lots-A-Tots, and Chicken Chips are just a few of the greasy Hooters appetizers. This means that the greeting should be the same regardless of which Hooters location you visit.
Sorry, It’s Just Salads
It’s nice to know that Hooters feeds their employees for free while they’re on the job. Hooters, on the other hand, values women’s appearances over their appetites, so the restaurant couldn’t risk its Hooters girls chowing down on wings and cake every shift.

Sorry, It’s Just Salads
Management at the Hooters branch where this person worked only allowed waitresses to eat salad or wraps. Profit is linked to employee appearance in a workplace like Hooters, so this is what happens. Allow them to spread their wings!
Time for a Singalong
On special occasions, the waitstaff at Hooters is expected to sing for customers, as is customary in many American restaurants. Some Hooters girls sing “Happy Birthday,” while others dance to the “Hokey Pokey” or “The Chicken Dance,” depending on where they are.

Time For A Singalong
Most Hooters girls, according to this former employee, detested singing for customers. Indeed, these waitresses were willing to forego their tips in order to have someone else take their place. We certainly don’t blame them!
It’s a Family Affair
Hooters is regarded as a safe place to bring small children for some reason. That’s right, the restaurant named after female body parts has no age restrictions, and no one seems to mind.

It’s A Family Affair
Even stranger, this former Hooters employee claims that she and her coworkers used to pose for photos with babies all the time. We’d love to know what a new mom was thinking as she handed her baby over to a Hooter’s girl for a snap. Who are we to judge, after all?
For Hooters Girls Only
The famous Hooters girl uniform comes with its own set of rules, as Hooters is all about the appearance of its waitstaff. After all, if anyone could just put on a pair of orange hot pants and start serving wings, Hooters girls would be a thing of the past.

For Hooters Girls Only
This means that outside of the restaurant, Hooters girls are not permitted to wear their uniforms. Furthermore, they are not permitted to lend their costume to friends for costume parties.
The Van Gogh of Hooters
There is no limit to how unusual a customer can be when it comes to unusual customers. Sure, anyone can walk in and make a creepy remark or two, but can anyone walk in and instantly draw a portrait of a Hooter’s girl? Nope.

The Van Gogh Of Hooters
A regular customer used to look up Hooter’s girls on Instagram, draw them, and then give it to the woman in question, according to this post. Even if this person had good intentions, it is still unsettling.
As Real as it Gets
Hooters isn’t just about pretty women and wings; it’s also pretty into sports. The restaurant chain is adorned with large TVs that broadcast whatever sporting event is taking place, and special packages are available during games.

As Real As It Gets
UFC fans were the best sports fans to host, according to this former Hooters employee. UFC fans are said to be big tippers, whereas WWE fans are said to be cheapskates. Don’t blame the messenger — that’s exactly what we heard!
Passing the Pickle
Hooters appears to be a fun place to work from what we’ve seen. Working at a restaurant chain can be a bonding experience, depending on who your coworkers are and whether you all get along.

Passing The Pickle
A former Hooters employee reveals one of the strange games the restaurant’s staff used to play while on the job. During a pickle race, one woman is said to run with a pickle in her mouth and then pass it to the next person, relay-style.
Looking Out for Each Other
Hooters girls are subjected to some pretty nefarious behavior, it goes without saying. And, just so you know, the next story is particularly vile. A customer came in one day and started spraying the restaurant’s wooden stools with a spray bottle, according to this former Hooters girl.

Looking Out For Each Other
Because no managers were present to notice the strange behavior, a server was severely burned after sitting on one of the stools. Thankfully, the cops were summoned, and the women rallied around one another.
No Changes Allowed
Another example of how working at Hooters can be risky. We mean cruel and dehumanizing when we say iffy. This former Hooters employee recalls how a manager treated her like a piece of meat during her job interview.

No Changes Allowed
Her superior refused to give her a size medium uniform when she requested one, instead of giving her a small. They then took a photo of her and threatened to use it as a measure of her attractiveness. Gross!
Dressed to the Nines
Women who work at Hooters must obviously look a certain way because that is the restaurant’s entire premise. Of course, Hooters girls must wear tank tops and tiny orange hot pants, but they must also maintain a professional appearance.

Dressed To The Nines
Former Hooters employees say that Hooters girls had to have their hair down and styled, wear a certain amount of makeup, and have a certain color of nail polish. Doing all that work just to get to work sounds terrible!
It’s a Hooters XXXS
When it comes to uniform sizes, Hooters employees do not have the option of wearing a size medium. Instead, Hooters women can select from sizes XXXS, XXS, XS, and S. Of course, this is due to the brand’s refusal to accept that anyone wearing a size medium or large would be hired. What a nightmare!

It’s A Hooters XXXS
Hooters can keep their fantasy of only hiring extra tiny women alive by rebranding their uniform sizes. They keep the Hooters girl image even if their largest employee is a size small.
Hooters Prefers Blondes
In terms of the Hooters girl image, it appears that the company prefers blonde-haired women. Of course, society tells us that blondes have more fun, and blonde hair is certainly associated with a stereotype.

Hooters Prefers Blondes
Didn’t you know that brunettes are the most uninteresting people on the planet? Have you seen any romantic comedies? When she applied with dark hair, this former Hooters employee was turned down, but when she went blonde, she was hired right away. We aren’t surprised in the least.
More Than a Pretty Face
This next piece of information comes from a former Hooters employee, and it appears to corroborate some of what we’ve learned thus far. This former Hooters girl and corporate trainer confirms that the company pays a pittance, claiming that she was paid less than three dollars per hour.

More Than A Pretty Face
Furthermore, this employee admits that maintaining a perfectly styled appearance while scrubbing toilets in sweltering heat is difficult. They didn’t like it when their less-than-ideal-looking male bosses told them they needed to lose weight.
Hooters Judge and Jury
Employees at Hooters are not allowed to sue the company for harassment, which comes as no surprise. Hooters would have been gone a long time ago if that wasn’t the case. However, we were taken aback by the company’s approach to resolving such issues. To be honest, we didn’t see “Hooters Court” coming.

Hooters Judge And Jury
Surprisingly, this former employee claims that Hooters instituted an internal justice system in which employees served as jurors. Hooters Court, as this person points out, essentially did nothing.
The Candy Man Is Here
Do you remember the creepy child catcher character from the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? As soon as we read about a regular Hooters “candy man,” that’s the first thing that popped into our heads.

The Candy Man Is Here
Instead of offering children candy in exchange for their cooperation, the fictional child catcher demanded that they give him hugs in exchange for their cooperation. To be honest, we’d rather buy our own candy than fight a strange candy-carrying man, but hey, to each their own.
Inhale at Your Own Risk
We’ll admit that the following Hooters insight made us laugh out loud. While many people believe that attractive women are a special breed, it turns out that they are simply human beings like the rest of us.

Inhale At Your Own Risk
And that means they’re just as filthy as the rest of us. Some Hooters waitresses are said to eat greasy wings on their lunch break and then share the gassy after-effects when they return to the restaurant. Good luck, everyone!
Time for Fun and Games
We’d heard of the Hooters pickle race, so we weren’t surprised to learn that this location allowed waitstaff to choose sections by playing games. We like the idea of a bunch of Hooters girls running around having a good time, but we’re not so sure about the ending of this story.

Time For Fun And Games
As a result of their refusal to participate in a dance-off, the employees at Hooters were all disciplined and eventually fired, according to a former employee of the company. No way, Hooters! That is not okay!
Watch Out for Weight Warnings
Working at Hooters is all about your physical appearance, as we all know, and the scrutiny doesn’t end after you pass the job interview. Employees who gained weight, according to this person, were given two warnings before being fired. That’s a particularly unpleasant way to lose your job!

Watch Out For Weight Warnings
Surprisingly, while Hooters does fire employees who are overweight (by their standards), they do not fire pregnant women. Hooters girls with a bun in the oven even have their own uniforms.
The Tights Are on You
You might have noticed that the Hooters girls wear a specific style of pantyhose. The revealingly dressed waitresses wear fairly thick, shiny, natural-colored tights rather than going bare-legged. The problem was that if your pantyhose ripped before your shift, you had to pay for a new pair at the vending machine.

The Tights Are On You
The company, on the other hand, would be responsible for the cost of a replacement pair of tights if yours were to rip during your shift. Naturally, this resulted in a small amount of deception.
Warning, Extremely Flammable
Let’s just go all out and find out everything we can about Hooters pantyhose while we’re at it. The hose worn as part of the Hooters uniform is extremely flammable, according to this next post from a former employee.

Warning, Extremely Flammable
We’re not talking about ordinary flammables here. Staff wearing Hooters uniform tights are apparently not permitted within 10 feet of the grill. From our vantage point, that appears to be a massive health and safety issue.
Talking to Tables
Surprisingly, Hooters girls are encouraged to sit down and strike up a conversation with customers. If the customer is a businessman who is sitting alone, or if there is a bachelorette party looking for some atmosphere, this might be appropriate.

Talking To Tables
As this post explains, however, sitting down with customers was frequently awkward. When there are too many Hooters girls on the floor at once, they are encouraged to congregate around customer tables and converse.
To the Wall of Shame
Working at Hooters attracts its fair share of creepy characters. Women who work at Hooters must navigate a minefield while doing their jobs, whether it’s people making comments, leaving notes, or offering up their phone numbers.

To The Wall Of Shame
That’s why the Hooters women had a “Wall of Shame” in the kitchen. This way, everyone could enjoy the creepiness while also finding humor in some otherwise troubling behavior. Unfortunately, the good times came to an end when a new manager took over.
Starting Them Young
Hooters do not have an age restriction, as previously stated. As a result, children and teenagers, some of whom are very young, frequent the restaurant. Many men bring their children to Hooters, as this former employee points out, which provides them with valuable lessons early on.

Starting Them Young
Bringing your child to Hooters from a young age may encourage them to view women solely as pretty things who serve you food. That isn’t particularly healthy in general.
Fancy a T-Shirt?
Hooters serve more than just burgers and wings. Clothing, keychains, glassware, and food products are all available for purchase at many of its locations. You know where to go if you want a jar of wing sauce and a novelty magnet.

Fancy A T-Shirt?
Of course, Hooters encourages its employees for selling as much merchandise as possible. And, thanks to their attractive staff, they have a slight advantage. This former employee used to be able to persuade customers to purchase items for her. Respect!
Where’s My Girl?
Hooters isn’t your typical restaurant. Despite the fact that the establishment shows sports and serves shrimp, the overall experience is more than just watching football and eating a steak sandwich. It’s all about the women for a lot of customers.

Where’s My Girl?
According to this post, unlike many other restaurants, Hooters waitstaff does not have tables assigned to them. Customers, on the other hand, had a regular ‘girl’ that they had requested. Is it just us, or does this appear to be a little disorganized?
No Food for You Guys
Because of their weight gain, one Hooters location has already prohibited their employees from eating wings and cake. Salads and wraps were introduced as the new menu items for the staff. Despite the fact that Hooters provides food for its employees, they are not permitted to eat in public.

No Food For You Guys
Because the ideal woman is supposedly never seen eating, this former employee perfectly articulates why the company does this. Hooters girls clearly live on Diet Coke, lip gloss, and the occasional almond, at least according to the customers.
Health and Safety What?
We discovered that Hooters has an unusual policy, in that all of their employees are required to look a certain way. The fact that women who work at Hooters don’t have tattoos is part of the restaurant’s brand image. After all, aren’t Hooters girls clean-cut?

Health And Safety What?
Tattooed Hooters’ girls will have to cover up their beautiful tats, unless they’re lucky enough to sneak through undetected. This contrasts with how most restaurants prefer to see customers’ hair.
I’m One of You
Another benefit of working at Hooters comes next. Employees of Hooters can get goods from other locations in addition to getting a free meal per shift and persuading customers to buy merch.

I’m One Of You
It’s alleged that a Hooters worker may present their paycheck at a different location in order to get a t-shirt. Staff could build a big Hooters shirt collection because each place in the chain has its city printed on the garment.
Always Escorted Off the Premises
Multiple former Hooters employees confirm that escorting Hooters girls to their cars after a shift is company policy. While this may appear to be a prudent precaution, the fact that Hooters customers frequently wait for waitresses to complete their orders is problematic.

Always Escorted Off The Premises
Regardless, Hooters managers and chefs usually walk Hooters girls out so they aren’t harassed or intercepted before they can safely return home. This is, after all, preferable to nothing.
Happy Birthday Weenie Man
This post may be the strangest of all the insider Hooters information on this list. When it’s a customer’s birthday, Hooters girls are expected to sing and dance, as we’ve already mentioned. The song and dance are different depending on where the restaurant is located.

Happy Birthday Weenie Man
Surprisingly, the Hooters girls would sing the birthday boy a song called “Weenie Man” at the Hooters mentioned in this story. A bucket, a hot dog, and a little public humiliation were all part of this strange ritual. It reminds me of Hooters!
Not Your Average Hooters
The following post is a fantastic advertisement for working at Hooters. Working at the chain, according to this former employee, is a lot of fun and allowed them to keep in touch with their high school friends.

Not Your Average Hooters
This person, who describes herself as a customer psychologist, must have made a lot of tips. Most notably, this former Hooters employee claims that her location had curvy Hooters girls. We’re not sure if we believe it, but we’re hoping it’s true!
They Have a System
Although Hooters may appear to be a wing-fueled free-for-all, there is some order hidden beneath all the big smiles and bouncy hair. Our next ex-Hooters employee reveals a minor logistical detail, namely, why Hooters name tags are different colors.

They Have A System
Servers under the age of 21 are said to wear white name tags, while those over the age of 21 are said to wear orange tags, and trainers are said to wear gold tags. We’re not sure how we feel about announcing the age of your employees to an entire restaurant, but hey, it’s Hooters.
Hooters Girl for Life
Here’s another former Hooters employee who still remembers the place fondly. When this former Hooters employee was asked what size uniform she wanted, she was given one that was two sizes smaller. That appears to be a fairly common practice at Hooters, based on what we’ve learned so far.

Hooters Girl For Life
Despite the awkwardness at first, this former Hooters girl is unable to part with her iconic uniform. This person even refused to part with their orange hot pants and owl-emblazoned tank top for the sake of keeping them.
No Tattoos Allowed
Our next post confirms what we already knew: tattooed Hooters girls must cover up their tatts completely. This is a difficult task that necessitates the use of a substantial foundation.

No Tattoos Allowed
The problem is that Hooters wants all of their employees to have the same look, so they can’t risk someone looking too unique. Tattoo prohibition is one way to achieve this. Furthermore, because many people mistakenly believe that tattoos are trashy, the company prefers Hooters girls who are more clean-cut.
Keeping it Classy
Finally, we’ll wrap up our collection of stories from former Hooters employees by reminding you that pretty women are just as gross as the rest of us. That’s right, just because Hooters girls aren’t allowed to eat on the job doesn’t mean they aren’t stuffing their faces in the break room.

Keeping It Classy
More than that, according to this former employee, Hooters girls are fairly candid about their toilet habits. The fact that this is happening at Hooters should come as no surprise.