Cheaters Who Were Exposed Because They Messaged The Wrong People

Published on 08/25/2022
Cheaters Who Were Exposed Because They Messaged The Wrong People

Cheaters Who Were Exposed Because They Messaged The Wrong People

True, getting cheated stinks. However, once the anguish and rage have subsided, you’ll probably start to feel the urge to warn everyone so that they don’t experience what you did. Perhaps by bringing the behavior or acts to light, other individuals in relationships will begin to pay attention to how their significant others behave and achieve their own sense of tranquility. That’s why it’s awesome that these people have the guts to publicly display screenshots of their ex-partners’ infidelity. Additionally, these cheaters are occasionally so unaware of their acts and unrepentant about them that their admission of cheating sounds absurd.


In order to feel less horrible about the actual information they had to share, this person believed that the best approach to break the news to their lover would be to start with more dramatic bad news. And it did, in a way.



This appears to be the most favorable consequence of this bizarre conversation. While her boyfriend gained assurance that his Xbox was secure, she confessed to cheating and let the guilt out. We suppose that some people merely have various priorities.

Wrong Chat

We’ve all made the mistake of sending the wrong person a text message, and it may be awkward. But maybe it won’t ever be as awkward as when this person told her partner that she was going out with another guy.

Wrong Chat

Wrong Chat

She could have said she meant “hanging out,” not “going out on a date,” but instead she admitted to cheating on her partner. The fact that she even admitted she meant to text someone else just makes everything so much worse.

Confused Jeffery

It’s getting too difficult to keep track of all the girls Jefferey seems to be hanging out with. Even if none of them are his exclusive partners, receiving this kind of off-target text is extremely uncomfortable.

Confused Jeffery

Confused Jeffery

It hurts to know the other person is having fun with someone else, even if you agree to see other people. especially since you are spending the weekend with your parents and are unable to do the same. What a letdown.

Evil Geniuses

These two girls learned that they had dated the same man for a full two years. Instead of getting angry at one another, they made the decision to work together and use their combined strengths to defeat this cheater.

Evil Geniuses

Evil Geniuses

If you are unfamiliar, “Pain Olympics” was a collection of horrifying viral films from the past that featured guys torturing themselves to the point of death. This gal surely has the ability to make a guy regret lying to her.

Stupid Cheater

Another cheater was exposed due to his negligence. We enjoy watching people of this type fall for their own lies. We believe that breaking up and giving the girlfriend custody of the Xbox is a rather suitable punishment.

Stupid Cheater

Stupid Cheater

We commend this young woman for her tenacity. We should strive for empowerment like this. But the fact that some people don’t respect their relationships enough to keep their word is truly heartbreaking. We hope she never hands back the console to him.

The Funny Ex

I’m curious as to how long it must have took this person to develop this thoughtful and skillfully worded poetry. The fact that they even considered delivering this to their cheating ex rather than simply forgetting about them shows how pleased they must have been of it.

The Funny Ex

The Funny Ex

Probably really witty and laid-back, this individual. After all, it takes a huge person to make light of someone who has harmed them so deeply. And this rhyme is extremely good, to be completely honest. Although it lacks creativity, it’s still good!

Jordyn Or Jordan

To be fair, there is just a single letter between these two names, thus this is a genuine error. But cheating on your partner while remaining unrepentant and even boasting about it to your “bros” is not an honest mistake.

Jordyn Or Jordan

Jordyn Or Jordan

What if your lover texted you to tell you that he had had a hookup with someone else? After this experience, we wish Jordyn had found someone much better—someone who always loved and respected her.


Even reading about this awkward conversation stings. When Tony learned about his sibling, we can only speculate about how perplexed he must have been. Not only was it totally inappropriate, but he also had to learn that his significant other had cheated by text message.



The fact that he was duped is awful enough. It’s even terrible to know it was his own brother. At least he learned before taking himself too seriously. We hope Tony and his brother spoke in-depth about maintaining limits.

Messy Breakup

Have you ever texted someone you were dating to break things off since you didn’t care about them at all? Just that action demonstrates how disrespectful this man is of other people (including his unsuspecting wife).

Messy Breakup

Messy Breakup

However, we sincerely hope that this is a joke. She received an unexpected breakup SMS from her husband; how could she respond, “Oh ok”? Simply put, nothing about this makes sense. But if this actually did occur, we hope she expelled this man! or received counseling. Whatever functions.

Disgusting Father Of The Year Award

In addition to treating his wife and child’s mother with the worst disrespect for cheating on them, this man also disparages and upsets them in his speech. Calling people names is a whole other level of awful, on top of the fact that he is lying to everyone.

Disgusting Father Of The Year Award

Disgusting Father Of The Year Award

Karina comes across as a fairly sensible individual. She doesn’t deserve to be lied to and abused in this manner, therefore it was obvious that she would tell her mother. And perhaps she can give her mother some of the money, puppy, and car if she gets them.

Freudian Slip

Here’s another illustration of how guilt influences people to act in a certain way even when they have other plans. She texted Mark rather than Peter since she was so afraid to tell him about the whole thing.

Freudian Slip

Freudian Slip

Hopefully she had an affair with a Peter other than Mark’s brother. It’s bad enough that she strayed and became pregnant, but it’s even worse if she actually did all of that with her husband’s own brother!


In therapy and via messaging, this person had numerous opportunities to come clean. However, they chose to play the victim and pretend to be innocent rather than owning up to their errors and making amends. What a cunning thing to do.



All you need to do if you’re dissatisfied in your relationship is talk to your partner about it and try to resolve the issue. You shouldn’t treat them so disrespectfully, as if they weren’t deserving of it.

Bad Mom

There are so many liars out there! If you are going to disrespect your partner in this way, at least double-check who you are texting before pressing “send” to avoid embarrassing yourself and perhaps someone else, like your kids.

Bad Mom

Bad Mom

Compared to the last youngster, this one was a little more reasonable while extorting money; they only demanded a new phone and laptop. Perhaps this person will succeed in getting what they want. Of course, before telling dad.


Do these folks genuinely replace their ex-spouses’ names with “ex” in their contact list? The only reason for this kind of error is that. We want to keep things simple, therefore we either maintain the names or remove the phone numbers of our ex-partners.



After this embarrassing chat, we wonder whether they tried to text the other ex again to see if she would accept them back. Or perhaps this one awkward circumstance was all it took for them to decide it was time to move on and find a new partner.


This is what occurs when your well-intentioned but inebriated pals monitor your belongings for you at the party, I suppose. However, if you were not in the situation that “Sweetie” has put herself in, it would probably be better. Just passing along.



It sounds like her guy simply missed her and was bored. Then he receives this odd response from an unknown source. What an awful way to receive bad news. And the friend had no idea what was going on, which is kind of nice for the guy. He is now aware of the reality.

Two Cannot Play This Game

Yikes. Check to see if you read a text accurately before getting too worked up over it. When this girl saw the word “cheated,” she became so tense that she admitted to being unfaithful even though she had never actually been cheated on.

Two Cannot Play This Game

Two Cannot Play This Game

She realized she should have read the first text again before getting so worked up when her boyfriend clarified what he meant when he said he had cheated on her on the math test. She is now by herself, but at least she had a lesson to learn.

Who’s That?

People, check who you are messaging! And while we do not encourage cheating, this is what might happen if you are not careful. A careless cheater is the worst kind of cheater. Hide your footprints. You might also just avoid lying.

Who’s That

Who’s That

Also, can we just acknowledge how laid-back this gal is for a second? She gave her boyfriend a loving response when he told her he couldn’t see her tonight. When the name of this enigmatic Jenny was mentioned, she responded calmly, giving the impression that she is an adult.


Who dates their best friend’s ex, first of all? Does that have a chance of succeeding? It simply seems so strange to date someone and then go out with their best friend. There are a ton of people out there, yet we all have our own preferences.



It’s simple to understand the kind of person who would date their ex’s closest friend after reading this dialogue. the kind of guy who believes he can have everything or anybody he wants at any time and is not looking for commitment.


The partner of this guy was considerate enough to let him decide whether he wanted broken Xbox or broken bones. How lovely! Despite the jokes, cheating is wrong, but this is not the proper way to exact retribution. This message is quite combative.



It is somewhat alarming that the girlfriend handled the situation with such composure, as if the adultery was merely an excuse for her to destroy things. Although we don’t condone infidelity, perhaps terminating this relationship was not a horrible thing after all.

Keeping It In The Family

We don’t know why, but this list makes us think that a lot of individuals cheat on their partners with their partners’ siblings. Is this retaliation for an event that occurred when they were kids or teenagers? Is it merely an accident? The answer is unknown.

Keeping It In The Family

Keeping It In The Family

We do know one thing, though: if you have feelings for someone who isn’t your husband, let them know you desire a divorce. Someone shouldn’t be subjected to such humiliation and disrespect in their own house. We should all strive to live moral lives.

The Other Girlfriend

Both of these gals must have felt pretty uncomfortable at this point. We don’t believe Andy needs two different woman battling for him because he is obviously a player. It’s fortunate that Jessica did not even waste time becoming overly upset.

The Other Girlfriend

The Other Girlfriend

We’re hoping that Andy’s other girlfriend—the one who responded to the text—also ended their relationship right away. But not before searching for any further potential girlfriends he could have and alerting them to the situation. They all merit far better treatment.


Zoe is currently dealing with a major issue. She is dating two males, but instead of enjoying her life more since she has to keep her double life a secret from both of them, she is stressed out more. To prevent all of this unnecessary drama, it is best to stick with one.



She might be able to unwind and enjoy a semi-healthy relationship if she simply picked on one of them and made the decision to be honest with the other one. That’s a lot better than continually checking to make sure her lies aren’t being discovered.

Liars Everywhere

It makes me quite uncomfortable to witness these folks acting so weak while merely trying to control others. Sincerity is the best policy, as they say. Just say so if you don’t want to be with someone.

Liars Everywhere

Liars Everywhere

This one causes a lot of shame to others. Can you picture telling your significant other that they were staying at home with a cold only to find them hanging out with other people? This lover likely felt extremely foolish for believing in her.

And… Blocked

In comparison to the others we’ve seen so far, this person at least had the guts to say that they had cheated. They were aware of their mistake and did not want to continue to deceive their partner. instead of ex-partner.

And… Blocked

And… Blocked

But despite it, they persisted in lying. Even worse, Darrel cheated on his significant other since he was equally committed to someone else. Simply said, that was a bad thing to do. We wonder if Darrel ended up getting married.

Bad News

Make sure the person has heard the unpleasant news and is prepared to be consoled before offering comfort. This was inappropriate because they were still dating, even though it would have been wonderful to get it after a split.

Bad News

Bad News

Perhaps Derek just didn’t know how to break up with his girlfriend and felt this would be a decent way to do it, or perhaps it was an honest mistake. Alternatively, it could have been a truly cruel joke. Warning: it wasn’t a wise way to handle the situation.

April Fools

Make sure you are doing what you are doing before saying something you could later regret. It’s obviously a good thing that this person confessed to infidelity so that their partner may end the relationship as a result, but nonetheless.

April Fools

April Fools

Who still plays April Fool’s jokes, too? But the better query is: Who still plays practical jokes on people? We haven’t played pranks or been played pranks on April 1st since elementary school, so maybe we outgrew it. For those of you who are still young at heart, keep adding salt to the sugar bowl.

That’s Worse

Okay, but who is it that sends these texts accusing their partner of cheating? Why do these individuals believe that calling them over the phone is preferable to speaking with them in person? It is the only emerging trend that we don’t comprehend.

That’s Worse

That’s Worse

The absolute least a cheater should do is confess and apologize to their partner in person, regardless of whether it has grown to be acceptable to express life-changing things through text. In this way, they can avoid unintentionally scarring their child for the rest of their lives.

Wrong Answer

Fair enough, this was a pretty perplexing message. This girl texted Danny in the hopes that he would respond that he had cheated on the test at school or that he had never done so. But we can see why he would have assumed she meant that she was having an extramarital affair.

Wrong Answer

Wrong Answer

It’s quite stupid of him, in either case, to assume that acknowledging would be enough for her to forgive him and carry on as if nothing had occurred. At least she learned. Although we don’t know how the narrative ends, we can speculate.

James and Jared

Well, occasionally folks are fortunate and learn the news first. Although we don’t know how long these two were dating before Jared entered the scene, James is certain that something was happening behind his back.

James And Jared

James And Jared

Although we don’t want anyone to go through this, it’s preferable than being led on. We are unsure of where Jared stands in all of this, but we must assume that he and the girl deserve one another. Who knows—they might be soul mates.


Autocorrect puts us in the most awkward positions, and it’s quite difficult to persuade others that we didn’t actually write something; rather, it was our phones. We all have a cringe-worthy tale to tell about this annoying function, yet we still won’t disable it because it generally makes our lives simpler.



Even in this situation, autocorrect prevented the girl from being in a relationship with a cheater. If the lover hadn’t been a double-crosser, it might have been a comical failure they could have laughed at years later.

Parenting Done Wrong

Growing up and realizing that our parents are not the wise old people we once believed them to be as children may be very difficult. But knowing that one of them is a nasty guy makes it even worse.

Parenting Done Wrong

Parenting Done Wrong

We sincerely hope they continued to tell their mother even after receiving the $500, a new laptop, and some new video games. She deserves to be aware of what is happening in her own home and to make decisions regarding what to do about it.

No Commitment

Can you picture getting married to a guy who messages random girls on Facebook and asks them out? It’s so embarrassing that other people before you are aware of it. Perhaps this man’s wife was aware of the situation.

No Commitment

No Commitment

To begin with, it is absolutely unacceptable to approach women in this manner. But when you have a wife and claim you don’t care if the women you are hitting on are also married, it is a thousand times worse.

Bad News Or Good News?

Julie, smile instead of frowning! Who would have thought that such horrible news could swiftly become good news? We’re confident that Spencer’s girlfriend—or ex—was secretly content with the way things turned out.

Bad News Or Good News?

Bad News Or Good News?

It’s not that we want people to suffer awful things, but based on the tone of the texts, it doesn’t seem like he was gravely injured. He could have ended things with this girl right away and started dating someone else if he didn’t want to.

The Explanation

There is no justification for betraying your lover. No matter how many hours a day the other person is away from home, when you commit to a relationship, you also commit to being faithful and devoted to that other.

The Explanation

The Explanation

It takes a specific type of person to cheat and then anticipate instant forgiveness. We too became heated when we read the “So” part. If this person is depressed because they are lonely, then perhaps they won’t cheat in their subsequent relationships.

21st Century Feminism

Girls must band together. There are a lot of males who believe they can do whatever they want and have whoever they want just because. Women must demonstrate to them that this is not the case at all.

21st Century Feminism

21st Century Feminism

The woman in the screenshot was pleasant and very direct. She merely said that if he is still married, he shouldn’t be making advances toward other women. How absurd is it that someone who has already committed needs to be shown the fundamental principles of commitment?


How many times do we have to remind you to double-check who you are sending a message to before clicking the “send” button? Some of these people almost seem to be doing these things on purpose, as though they are unable to end their relationships amicably through communication.



This girl was actually really funny when responding to this text, but she must have been really upset to know that her boyfriend was celebrating an “anniversary” with someone else while dating her. That’s so upsetting. Reminds us of the film Love Actually.

Anatomy Studies

This person discovered an extremely valuable lesson that day: be consistent with your lies. Make sure your books are nearby or that you at least know where they are if you want to claim that you are studying. You could find yourself in some severe trouble if you don’t.

Anatomy Studies

Anatomy Studies

If he had simply given it a moment’s thought, he might have been able to get away with a different falsehood. However, in order to stop his lover from texting him, he tried to appear busy. Such a simple error.

Cute Poem

Who is she dating at the moment? Shakespeare? Why would they spend so much time creating rhymes for a poem when they could just phone or text “I know you cheated”? Yes, this is much more epic, I see.

Cute Poem

Cute Poem

We adore these new interpretations of the traditional poem “Roses Are Red.” When they turn it dark, we develop a completely new appreciation for it because it was first corny. Even the fact that cheating and wilting don’t rhyme doesn’t bother us. This lady is legendary.

Liar, Liar

Sometimes, refusing to respond at all is preferable to lying. After all, you never know who might be standing just behind you or whether they’re just playing a practical joke on you. Bravo to this individual for finding his girl; it appears that he knew what was going on.

Liar, Liar

Liar, Liar

Generally speaking, lying adds unnecessary complexity to life. You should certainly reevaluate your relationship if you are unable to tell your partner that you are going out with friends. We can’t help if you are the issue.

A Thousand Apologies

Another unpleasant trait of these disrespectful liars is their sincere conviction that they can win back someone’s confidence by professing regret after betraying them. They may even make an effort to appear offended and to blame someone else.

A Thousand Apologies

A Thousand Apologies

To think that some individuals out there accept these apologies is absurd and embarrassing. The most crucial component of a relationship is trust, so what would be the point of getting back together if you couldn’t even create that?